
The Dehreeholistic team has amazing ability to bring a sense of calm and understanding to people’s minds while also informing them about their various options and which one would best suit their needs.
Rajdeep Gill

Mr Yogeshwar Singh Batyal is an experienced professional when it comes to guiding both the student and their family through the process of selecting the right college according to their budget, documentation and applications. He was available at all times for advice .We would definitely recommend his services to aspiring students and their families.
Esha Vermani

An invaluable resource for any student and much needed first step
Vinay Sharma

I would recommend Dehreeholistic motivational talks which are very informative. The information is very well presented and is to the point.
Gurpreet Singh

Dehreeholistic talks are Informative, professional, interactive, relevant to current issues and help people to focus on their goals.
Simran jit Singh
New Delhi

Dehreeholistic talk answered several of the questions, and raised many others, about what's next for us. I got invaluable information for development of social community. I am truly inspired to move forward in area of my interest.
Deepika Garg

I have found Mr Yogeshwar Singh Batyal to be a very energetic and driven individual and one whom we would describe as pro-active in terms of initiative, inventiveness and enthusiasm
Manish Vaid

The Dehreeholistic team has a broad and successful background in developing curricula and policy initiatives, where he has demonstrated his strong organizational and management skills.
Rajiv Singla

My personal association with Dehreeholistic team has been an enriching one. I was guided very well and helped to pick the right mix of universities as per my choice and profile. Neeraj Kothari Sharjah I was impressed by the quality of service you offer. I can undoubtedly say that I got value for my money
Arpit Aggarwal
New Delhi

The uniqueness of Dehreeholistic team lies in its approach and commitment in helping students achieve their aim. The team is easily approachable and helped clear any doubts about my career choices
Sandhya Bajaj

The Dehreeholistic team is highly cooperative and affable. The members are quite interactive when approached.
Alisha Sharjah

I am truly grateful to Dehreeholistic for guiding me in the right direction. I appreciate the quality of work that they provide. The team has been extremely helpful and supportive throughout my application process. Their invaluable suggestions played a pivotal role in understanding what all I am capable of doing in my life
Mandeep Singh